This should have been done a year ago. We made a kitchen, mostly from scratch, but we reused a back panel for some units which ended up being six inches too short.
For various reasons, this hasn’t been finished off. It just needs a little panel to cover the gap.
The idea came from Nicholas Wicks’s “The Everyday Blacksmith”. I like the book because it gives a very simple set of pictures which illustrate how to form the objects.
So… I noticed a couple of #makevember posts on twitter.
I struggle at this time of year. The shortening days leave me with progressively less and less motivation. Less drive to complete things and a generally low mood. I snap out of it sooner or later – there is generally a point where I consciously start to improve my immediate environment and that triggers a virtuous spiral of “doing stuff” which makes me happy.
So.. Makevember is about making something each day of November. It’s not a big thing, nearly 200 people follow the Makevember retweeter. I think it was more popular a couple of years back. The original manifesto is at…